Adult Sunday School Classes

Upper Room

The Upper Room class meets at 9:45 AM in room 202/203 in the Community Life Center.  This adult Bible class, organized in 1970, is blessed with many active retired couples and singles.  Led by Dr. Caroline Crimm, the class studies the Bible cover to cover–literally beginning with Genesis and working their way through to Revelation.


Inquirers meet at 9:45 AM in Room 205 on the 2nd floor of the Community Life Center.  This class of adults who are mostly 50 and over, enjoys in-depth discussions of lessons on a variety of topics, including social issues as well as Bible studies, with a rotation of lesson leaders. The class is co-led by Jane Monday and Kathy Farris.


The Challengers Class meets at 9:45 AM on the 2nd floor of the Community Life Center in Room 206. Each Sunday the class discusses how to live a productive, joyful, and fulfilling life as they challenge each other to honor God by keeping the faith with the responsibilities and tasks God has given. The class is led by Rev. Ellen Willett.


The JOY Sunday School Class meets at 9:45 AM in room 301 in the Historic Sanctuary building.  The J(esus) O(thers) Y(ou) Class is a well-seasoned group that welcomes all new members.  This Sunday School class is for all ages of adults who like to participate in lively discussions on a variety of topics led by various class members. The class uses adult Bible materials and/or a faith-based book as a catalyst for discussions and personal reflections. The class is led by Barbara Scott.


The Agape Sunday School Class meets at 9:45 AM on the third floor of the Historic Sanctuary building.  The class is currently enjoying  a Lenten Bible Study using "Witness to the Cross: A Beginner's Guide to Holy Friday" by Amy-Jill Levine. This small group is focused on growing their faith and understanding. The class is led by Mary Swarthout.

11 a.m. Adult Class

The 11 a.m. Adult Class meets on the Second Floor of the CLC.